Main Objectives

  1. To undertake direct human capacity building activities with rural poor, beginning with women’s literacy, mass literacy giving special emphasis on national language, health and sanitation and human resource development.
  2. To run and maintain classes of the secondary level with special emphasis on rural crafts and vocational training.
  3. To promote youths to participate in welfare activities leading to self employment, rural development, social service and relief services.
  4. To take up small scale and cottage industries with or without bank loan for income generation for the rural poor.
  5. To run and maintain post-metric classes on co-educational basis and to impart higher education to the young learners of the rural areas and to the students belonging to the scheduled cast and the scheduled tribe.
  6. To work for prevention of alcoholism and substances (drugs) abuse and control of HIV/AIDS & STDs.
  7. To take up welfare activities for tribal and backward classes.
  8. To raise funds by receiving donations, fees, fines, subscriptions etc. from members and non-members and grants assistance from Government and Local Bodies.
  9. To do all acts and things for fulfilment of the above objects.